Company Registration Service
Register a Company? Let us handle it for you!
What we require from you:
To Choose a Company Name
Decide the type of Limited Company you want.
Please provide us with the proposed company name. We will search the register and let you know if the name is available to be used.
Sole Trader
This is a type of company owned by just one person, you are the company and the company is you. If the company is sued, you are liable. You are required to register with HMRC as a Sole Trader and file self assessement. We provide this service.
Private Company Limited by Share (Ltd)
Limited Companies are legal entities in their own rights, they can be owned by people and the owners of the company are the shareholders. If the business runs into trouble, the amount that shareholders are liable for is limited to the value of any investment they have made in the shares of the Company.
Private Company Limited by Guarantee (Ltd)
Companies Limited by Guarantee are often social enterprises, charities or other not-for-profit organisations, such as sports clubs or political parties that do not have owners. All profits are reinvested back into either the organisation itself or its objectives.
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Limited Partnerships are very similar to Limited Companies in that they both offer a limited liability to their company's members. However, there are two very important differences:
A limited liability partnership (LLP) is taxed as a partnership, and can be organised with more flexibility
LLPs don't have directors or shareholders, but can have as many members as you choose.
What you Get
Electronic .pdf copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
Electronic .pdf copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association
Electronic .pdf copy of the Share Certificates
Contact Us Form
Please fill in your details and send them to us in our contact us section.
Company Name
Chosen Limited Company
Registered Address
Director's names & date of birth